ground stump

Proper Lawn Maintenance Ideas

Lawn care companies have the skills and knowledge to spot problems and implement solutions far faster than homeowners could. For example, weeds like crabgrass are a sign of soil compaction and can be corrected with aeration.

Overseeding with fresh, resilient grass seed revives bare spots and prevents lawn erosion. Aerating with spiked tools or plug or core aerators introduces air into the soil and improves drainage, making grass healthier.


The way you mow your lawn has a huge impact on the health and beauty of your grass. Avoid scalping (cutting more than one-third of the blade) and mowing the lawn too often. This can stress your turf and leave bare spots for weeds and moss to take over. In summer, regularly cut the lawn on a higher setting; however, don’t mow so often that you damage the grass.

A thick green lawn requires more than just mowing, watering, and fertilizing, though. Regular aeration and overseeding—scattering fresh grass seed over bare areas of your yard to revitalize it—are also critical for healthy, beautiful lawns.

In addition to fertilizing and aerating, you need to remove leaves from the yard frequently and clear debris like sticks and furniture so your grass can thrive. A heavy layer of dead leaves can smother your grass, preventing it from receiving the necessary sunlight and air for growth.

Lastly, keep your pet’s bathroom habits in mind: Dogs often relieve themselves on the grass, and this can cause yellow or brown patches in your lawn. Train your dogs to go to the bathroom in a designated area of your backyard, preferably shady and hidden from view.

A quality lawn care company is going to use all of these tips—and more—to ensure their customers’ yards are healthy and vibrant. If you’re not seeing the results you want, it may be time to hire a professional. The good news is that most pest and disease issues can be prevented with proper maintenance. For instance, fungus grows in moist environments and on thin thatch; so aerating your lawn and dethatching in the fall is critical to combat these problems.


A lush green lawn requires proper maintenance, including regular mowing, watering and fertilization. In addition, a good lawn should be free of weeds. Weeds compete with grass for soil moisture and nutrients and can choke out healthy growth. A frequent mowing schedule, combined with an herbicide application for weeds as needed, will help keep them under control.

It is important to note that the amount of water a lawn needs depends on the grass type, the climate, and soil conditions. Over-watering a lawn can cause damage, so the key is to water deeply and infrequently. Deep watering promotes a healthier, stronger root system that improves drought tolerance and makes your lawn more resistant to weeds.

The best time to water is in the early morning, when evaporation from the sun’s heat is less likely to occur. Watering at this time also allows the water to soak into the ground before the evening, reducing the likelihood of disease. Sprinklers can waste a lot of water due to wind and evaporation, so consider using soak irrigation lines or a rain barrel for your lawn.

When you water, try using a screwdriver to see how far down the soil has been soaked; this will give you a better idea of how long it takes for the soil to absorb moisture and help prevent overwatering. In addition, the watering method you choose (soak irrigation lines, sprinklers, hose) should be determined by the prevailing weather conditions in your area.

A quality lawn care company will monitor the lawns they maintain for signs of insect infestation, and offer regular grub control services as needed. These are services that the average homeowner may not be able to provide on their own, and are one of the most important reasons why a professional lawn care company is so valuable.


A lawn requires a regular dose of nutrients. Fertilizers enhance soil fertility by adding chemical elements to promote growth when other conditions, such as light, moisture, and temperature, are favorable. There are a number of different types of fertilizers, including organic and synthetic products. The best way to determine what your lawn needs is to have a soil test performed.

The test will show you what your specific soil composition is and will provide recommendations for making improvements to its nutrient potential. For example, if your soil is too acidic (low pH), lime helps balance it so grasses can grow well. A soil sample can be taken with a garden rake and sent to a lab for testing.

Once your results are available, apply a fertilizer according to the lab’s recommendation. However, be sure not to overdo it. Too much fertilizer can result in excessive leaf growth at the expense of healthy roots and weaken the turf’s overall health. A fertilizer application schedule will help you avoid overdoing it and ensure that your yard gets only what it needs.

If you notice bald spots in your yard, repair them with grass seed before they become too large. First, use a steel rake to scuff up the area and loosen the soil. Then, sprinkle the seed over the area and cover it with straw matting or a layer of grass clippings. Keep the area moist, and you should see shoots appear in a few weeks.

If your neighbor has a dense green lawn while yours is patchy and thin, it may be because they are watering their turf less or mowing it more often. It’s also possible that they are using a different type of grass.


Keeping weeds at bay is one of the most important lawn maintenance tips. Not only do they steal valuable nutrients and sunlight from the grass, but if left unchecked, they can choke out and eventually replace the healthy turf. Weeds are also known to attract pests and disease, making them even harder to get rid of.

Ideally, you should aim for healthy lawns that are thick enough to naturally crowd out any pesky weeds. However, if you aren’t quite there yet, you can take preventative measures to fight back. Use a pre-emergent herbicide to stop weed seeds from sprouting, and use a post-emergent herbicide to kill any that do. You can also try using natural weed killers, such as cornmeal or boiling water.

Another way to keep weeds at bay is by regularly aerating and dethatching your lawn. This process helps to improve soil structure and reduces thatch, both of which hinder weed growth. In addition, regular mowing (never cut more than one-third of the height of the grass blade) will help to control weeds.

In addition to these preventative measures, you can also add a layer of mulch to your landscape, which will not only suppress weeds, but it will also enrich the soil and provide more organic matter, which is a great source of nutrients.

In the end, a quality lawn care company will employ all of these tips and more to create a lush, green yard that will make your neighbors jealous. Remember to be consistent with your lawn care routine, and it will soon become a beautiful, lush oasis that you can be proud of. Happy gardening!


Proper lawn maintenance includes regular pruning to promote plant health and maintain aesthetics. It helps keep trees and shrubs healthy by removing dead branches, which can otherwise become diseased or a host for insects. It also allows sunlight and air to reach the lower parts of the tree or shrub, improving overall health. A quality lawn care company will prune to shape the plants and keep them looking good, as well as thinning out heavy canopies.

Another reason to regularly prune is to help the plants produce more fruit and flowers. Pruning encourages a plant to produce larger, even if fewer, fruits and flowers because it means the plant has to put more effort into growing its wood. This is especially important for evergreens like pine and spruce, but it can be helpful with other types as well.

The final pruning tip is to remove anything that could hinder grass growth, such as clippings or leaves that block light from reaching the ground. It is best to rake up these materials in the fall, when it can have the entire winter to break down and add nutrients to the soil.

While many of these tips may seem basic, a lawn care company that truly cares about quality will employ all 10 of them, and more. They will also ensure the property has proper edging to keep mulch and gravel out of the grass, water at the right time of day, and spread appropriate fertilizer and weed killer to get the most out of their services. They will also keep an eye out for pests and diseases, like chinch bugs and sod webworms, that can cause major damage if left unchecked.